SNJ provides a billing services platform that incorporates the right customer service, payment processing, validation, verificaiton, fraud detection and manangement processes to make any payment process seamless regardless of your method of processing. Even those with free trial periods find our service to minimize returns and virtually elimiante returns.
Having the right combinations of technology, customizable tools and attentive staff provides you with a partner that is second to none. We work make certain our seasoned professionals are readily available to design just the right program to meet your payment processing needs.
At SNJ each client is unique as are their needs. We make certain your assigned team has just the right expeirence to design the program you need to maximize revenue while managing ongoing customer expectations.
As your payment processing platform is stabalized with the right tools and fraud protection strategies your revenue will soar. You will find your revenue to increase month over month as you enjoy the stability of one processing platform that offers you all of the tools necessary to manage the complex needs of a direct to consumer business model.
SNJ staff is dedicated to your ongoing success by providing the right products, resources and services to exceed your expectations. Our services include a complete suite of billing services specifically for the company wising to effectively serve the direct to consumer market. Those using our combined billing solution find costs go down, revenue increases and returns decrease by as much as 50%!